Asambleas Ciudadanos


 the Citizens' Assembly in Europe

   » Media



Advances and perspectives of the European citizens’ process

Matthieu Calame | Translations :français . Español . English

How can we abandon current European blockages and endow Europe with a new soul? How can we move from a citizen vanguard to mass mobilization in favor of European construction? Matthieu Calame offers a panorama of the advances made by the European process and explores these two issues resorting to history and the imaginary: greatness and emotion, Snow White and the seven dwarves and methods’ renewal. 4 videos + access to media


Responsibility, interdependences and education

Matthieu Calame | Translations :français . Español . English

The relation with power, the concept of responsibility, education and the change in society are at the very center of citizenship and citizens’ assemblies. Matthieu Calame proposes intertwined reflections upon all these topics and highlights that change is systematic and connects everybody + access to media


Citizens' assemblies : birth, challenges and methods

Pierre Calame | Translations :Español . français . English

Citizens’ assemblies contribute to renew the relationship between unity and diversity. They may allow citizens to influence the inter-dependences of the 21st Century, and to re-institute societies and democratic forms. The challenges are huge and are in the heart of the societies’ changes. Pierre Calame approaches here the history of the citizens’ assemblies, their stakes and the new methods we have to invent to face the evolutions of the societies and democracy + access to media


Ethics and new thoughts on governance

Pierre Calame | Translations :Español . français . English

The idea of a citizens’ assembly is a concrete expression of a new view on ethics and on the management of societies when it comes to globalization. Pierre Calame draws up the principles of this new vision and shows how the assemblies and other citizens’ dynamics contribute to this deep renewal through five keywords : legitimacy, democratic participation, public good co-production, pertinence and efficiency, relationship between scales + access to media


Context and democratic experiences in Europe

Matthieu Calame | Translations :English . français . Español

Forming a citizens’ assembly leads to challenging the European models and thoughts about democracy. Matthieu Calame recalls the European context, some characteristics of its history, the positive experiences of citizens’ participation with the citizens panels for example. He underlines the strategies to build a pro-European process and to share the idea of a citizens’ assembly + access to media


EU Elections of the 7th June 2009 : a realistic blog that demands the impossible

The blog Challenge for Europe is online since last May to stimulate a public debate, constructive and demanding on the future of the European Union. It joins together proposals resulting from very diverse sources from Europe or from the world.