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Here are about sixty images taken during the Oceanian Assembly of Whakatane - New Zealand in January 2011 and shot by the cameras of Betsan Martin, Russell Diabo and Aroha Mead + access to media
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We, citizens of Aotearoa-New Zealand and the Pacific region, act in favor of a responsibility culture of the people from the Pacific and the Water Continent. The connecting thread of the 2010 Citizens’ Assembly is “What kind of Oceania does the World need?” and we expect to organize it in Aotearoa-New Zealand between August and September 2010. The document introduces the Oceania Citizens’ Assembly procedure + read more
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The aim of the meeting on Aotearoa island, New Zealand, was to promote native approaches to sustainability and international policies conservation and the environment. The Assembly of the Pacific region was held in January 2011, at the same time as UICN “Sharing power” summer conference, organized by the Ngati Awa tribe. This helped to make our strong voices heard from Aotearoa and to mobilize the Pacific region’s existing means to deal with economic, environmental and social issues from a perspective of change + read more

The Oceania Assembly is now nearly ‘ready to roll’. The Oceanian team is joining in with a Maori led and hosted international ‘hui’ or conference called ‘Sharing Power: Seeking New Paradigms for Development’ organized from January 11 to 15. It will be a cultural, social, conceptual and activist forum of people seeking pathways for our economies to be aligned with care for the planet and for people + read more
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