Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Citizens' Assembly in Oceania

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Pacific Assembly and IUCN Sharing Power Conference

Betsan Martin, Te Kawehau | Translations : English . Español . français

The aim of the meeting on Aotearoa island, New Zealand, was to promote native approaches to sustainability and international policies conservation and the environment. The Assembly of the Pacific region was held in January 2011, at the same time as UICN “Sharing power” summer conference, organized by the Ngati Awa tribe. This helped to make our strong voices heard from Aotearoa and to mobilize the Pacific region’s existing means to deal with economic, environmental and social issues from a perspective of change + read more


Aotearoa Assembly in January 2011

Betsan Martin, Te Kawehau | Translations : English . Español . français

The Oceania Assembly is now nearly ‘ready to roll’. The Oceanian team is joining in with a Maori led and hosted international ‘hui’ or conference called ‘Sharing Power: Seeking New Paradigms for Development’ organized from January 11 to 15. It will be a cultural, social, conceptual and activist forum of people seeking pathways for our economies to be aligned with care for the planet and for people + read more


Oceania citizens’ Hui and “Sharing Power” conference in January 2011

Betsan Martin | Translations : English . Español . français

The Oceania team takes advantage of the opportunity to relate the citizens’ assembly process to the “Sharing Power” conference planned for January 2011 in New Zealand by IUCN’s Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policies. Betsan Martin points out that this conference will focus on citizenship exercise and bio-cultural resources governance. The conference will be open to local and international participants, and has been prepared together with the indigenous communities + read more


Report on the “Watersheds and governance” meeting

Betsan Martin | Translations : English . français . Español

“The challenge is to bring people out of silos’” stated one participant of the NGO Waterscape. This phrase symbolically summarizes the path reached by the intersection of the gathered actors’ views, perspectives and diversity. It leads to the border of concepts, to search for new definitions and management systems for water governance + read more


An Assembly on Watersheds and Responsible Governance

Betsan Martin | Translations : English . Español . français

Response and Waterscape are organizing an “Assembly on water catchments from November 4 – 7th 2009. The seminar aims at re-thinking water governance and environmental responsibility on an International scale, by focusing on integration systems and inter-disciplinary bonds. About thirty participants will meet in the Otaki region, in New Zealand, around a promising and innovative methodological process + read more


A Citizens’ Assembly Of Oceania on the horizon !

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . English . Español

Oceania : a new arrival on the assembly path? Betsan Martin and his partners at the NGO Response Trust, who are promoting the Charter of Human Responsibilities network, have been working for the past decade on issues such as water, responsibility and governance. According to Betsan, the water of the “liquid continent” is the element which links, at the same time, lands, living beings and challenges of Oceania. The networks and works performed seem to be a natural approximation to those of the assemblies. We’re witnessing its first steps. Welcome ! + read more



Pacific Summer Assembly