Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Sahel Saharan Citizens' Assembly


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Colors of the First Sahel-Saharan Assembly


Compilation of about two hundred pictures of the First Citizens Assembly organized in the historical city of Aioun, Mauritania, from October 4th to 6th, 2010 + access to media




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Launching of the Sahel-Saharan Assembly in Africa

Francois Soulard , 5 February 2009

The initiative proposes to launch travelling caravans centered - at first - around Mali, Mauritania and Senegal. These caravans will establish a dialogue about citizenship with the many communities of the region. They will attempt to collect data about what worries these peoples and build local links + read more

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First Sahel-Saharan Citizens Assembly in Ayoun - Mauritania, October 4-6, 2010

Francois Soulard, Gustavo Marin , 17 December 2010

The Sahel-Saharan Citizens’ Assembly recently ended on October 7, 2010 in the historical town of Ayoun, in Mauritania. There were about a hundred participants, with strong Senegalese participation and a small but very active Mali presence. The participants clearly felt that we had just gone through an unprecedented meeting, that the Sahel-Saharan Assembly process is a new and long adventure to make citizens architects of their own destiny + read more


New learnings and 2010 caravans

Francois Soulard, Mamadou Niang , 27 January 2010

The Sahel-Saharan Assembly’s facilitators’ team begin a new traveling citizens’ campaign by the end of February, 2010! Enriched by the conclusions reached at the facilitators’ meeting in November 2009, the team takes up the road of the caravans again but with new perspectives, mainly the Assembly’s thematic deepening and socio-professional widening + read more




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Main dates and meetings planned in the Sahel Saharan Assembly for 2009-2010

Francois Soulard , 8 February 2009

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Pictures of the first citizens' caravan in Mauritania

Selection of images of the 1st caravan organized towards Aioun in Mauritania in February 2009