Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Sahel Saharan Citizens' Assembly

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First Sahel-Saharan Citizens Assembly in Ayoun - Mauritania, October 4-6, 2010

Francois Soulard, Gustavo Marin | Translations : English . français . Español

The Sahel-Saharan Citizens’ Assembly recently ended on October 7, 2010 in the historical town of Ayoun, in Mauritania. There were about a hundred participants, with strong Senegalese participation and a small but very active Mali presence. The participants clearly felt that we had just gone through an unprecedented meeting, that the Sahel-Saharan Assembly process is a new and long adventure to make citizens architects of their own destiny + read more


New learnings and 2010 caravans

Francois Soulard, Mamadou Niang | Translations : français . Español . English

The Sahel-Saharan Assembly’s facilitators’ team begin a new traveling citizens’ campaign by the end of February, 2010! Enriched by the conclusions reached at the facilitators’ meeting in November 2009, the team takes up the road of the caravans again but with new perspectives, mainly the Assembly’s thematic deepening and socio-professional widening + read more


Prime movers’ methodological training session

Mamadou Niang | Translations : français . Español . English

From November 6-8, 2009 a training session was held for the prime movers of the Sahelo-Sahara assembly in Nouakchott (Mauritania). The goal was to help the teams of leaders to better understand the methodologies of citizens’ assemblies and to draft tools and methods for the participants in the 2010 Aioun Assembly. The report clearly states the main challenges and issues that arose during the debates of the traveling caravans + read more


Report of the second stage of the Sahel-Saharan caravans in Senegal

Mamadou Niang | Translations : français . Español . English

The second Sahel-Saharan citizens’ caravan set off on May 25, 2009 from Nouakchott, across Senegal through the cities of Saint-Louis, Matam, Podor and Kanel. The document clearly stresses the problems and challenges pointed out by the participants during the debates. Twenty-seven contacts committed to carry on the assembly’s process + read more


Report of the first caravane in Mauritania

Mamadou Niang | Translations : français . Español . English

The Sahel-Saharan Assembly coordination team takes stock of the First Citizens’ Caravan to Aiun, in Mauritania. The topics and proposals which came up in the meetings, the contexts of the regions visited, the people-resources identified and some Sahel routes are introduced here. A nice summary that illustrates the very first contact that the team and the Assembly’s project had with the inhabitants and local organizations + read more


Intervention methodology and field practical advices

Coordination Team of the Malian Assembly | Translations : français . English . Español

The local meetings of the Mali’s Assembly begin this Wednesday September, 2 2009 in the regions of Sikaso and Segu in Mali ! This first stage will last approximately a fortnight. The work note briefly describes how the meetings will be conceived and coordinated, the expected results and the methodological principles. The main axis in this process is the bottom-up construction of challenges, values, commitments, changes and alternatives + read more


Second traveling caravan toward Senegal

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

A second traveling caravan moved along Senegal’s roads from May 25 to June 4, 2009. “People want to talk and, in fact, do talk quite a lot!” explains Mamadou Niang. Aside from the very diverse testimonies collected, priority is given to the common challenges that will come up between the communities of this region. The local participants’ demand for follow-up is also important + read more


Towards a second traveling caravan heading to Senegal

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

The Sahel-Saharan Assembly is preparing its second citizen caravan for the middle of May, 2009 towards the border cities of Senegal and Mauritania: Podor, Matam and Bakel. Meanwhile, these days stock is being taken of the exchanges from the first local assemblies in the area of Aioun (east of Mauritania) and the conception of a methodological training for the human resources of the assembly with the support of Sidiki Abdoul Daff - CERPAC Senegal + read more


Citizens’ caravans in Mauritania : first step !

Francois Soulard | Translations : English . français . Español

Mamadou Niang, Moulkheiry Mint Sid el Moustapha and Mint Tolba Mint Sedoum set off this past Monday (February 16) to start the first citizens’ caravan of the Sahel – Saharan Assembly in the direction of Aioun, near the Malian frontier, for 1,000 km and a night’s drive from the Mauritanian capital + read more


Key ideas and methodological axes of the Citizens' Assembly of the Sahel Saharan region in Africa

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

The coordinators meeting on Paris in June 2008 made possible to give a progress report on each assembly and to draw strategic axes to continue the path. This article gives a rapid look at the key ideas and directions to be followed for the Sahelo-saharian Assembly, in particular to approach the cultural diversity and linguistics of the region, to avoid instituted spaces and to integrate the various social sectors + read more



Pictures of the first citizens' caravan in Mauritania

Selection of images of the 1st caravan organized towards Aioun in Mauritania in February 2009