Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Sahel Saharan Citizens' Assembly



Launching of the Sahel-Saharan Assembly in Africa

Translations : français . English . Español

Context and Justification

The idea of a Citizens’ Assembly was born within the Alliance for a responsible, plural and united world. There are four objectives and results expected from this new governance :

  • To learn to relate diversity to unity
  • To create instituting processes
  • To revitalize democracy
  • To invent new forms of dialog between societies.

The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress (FPH) has taken to this dynamic since the Global Citizens’ Assembly at Lille in 2001 and, in all regions of the Globe, it constantly creates initiatives to foster the emergence of new Citizens who are capable of facing the current challenges from the basis of values founded on a new ethics of common management of our planet, on a Society sustainable by a new Governance. Thus, in the Sahel-Saharan Region which covers a wide area of the African continent, a new dynamics has been created in order to join in this social re-foundation and so as to help build a new citizenship which may reconstruct the segments of unity, solidarity and development that the inhabitants of this region of the world have perpetuated through the centuries. This action plan will guide the actions of the local actors from this area and it will be developed, during its first phase (2008-2010), on a sub-regional level marked by the intersection between Mauritania, Mali and Senegal, and it will later on expand to the other areas of this Sahel-Saharan region.

I. Work methodology

The march for a new citizenship will be shaped in the form of Caravans which, as well as giving new ideas, both express an interest in and take into account the local realities of the visited areas in order to create a shared and sustainable vision which may define a common strategy where actors can meet. The size of the region and the complexity of the local contexts should also be considered in order for the people to seize our intervention through the diversities by which it is made up. Having that aim in mind, a first caravan will be organized which will travel around Mauritania, the north of Senegal and the north of Mali, so as to diagnose the situation and adapt out objectives and our vision to the different local realities of the citizens and to find the articulations for a proper development of the program. We expect to implement secondary local venues which can take the responsibility, through their own human resources, to eventually arrive at a general synthesis of the exchanges in order to create global strategies.

II. Management and Functioning

A subregional management team made up by three Coordinators (Mauritania, Mali, Senegal) will ensure the direction of the actions to be taken through exchanges and frequent meetings. A field team based on Mauritania will make sure that the caravans’ march functions, and it will make up the terrain team supported by the Coordinators from Mali and Senegal. This work plan, which will be carried out from August to December 2008, will allow us to evaluate this stage of our common march as well as to better prepare subsequent routes.

  • Date: August 2008 to March 2009.
  • Objectives: fulfillment of three (03) Caravans which will follow the cartography on these axes :
    • The interior of Mauritania
    • The north of Senegal
    • The north of Mali
  • Activities : To diagnose local situations, to celebrate community assemblies, to organize Information and Consciousness-raising Sessions, to create a video and written data base of the caravans, to circulate movies and educational videos, to identify local actors, to define work and action follow-up methods and means, to create flexible sub venues adapted to each town, to find human resources to do the general synthesis, to make the local thematic groups operational
  • People in charge: national coordinators
  • Actors: Mauritania’s field team.


I. Mauritania

  • Axis A : 1200 km : Nouakchott, Aleg (Brakna), Tidjikja (Tagant), Kiffa (Assaba), Aioun (Hodh Gharbi), Néma (Hodh Chargui)
  • Axis B : 700 km : Nouakchott, Kaédi (Gorgol), Sélibaby (Guidimakha)
  • Axis C : 450 km : Nouakchott, Nouadhibou (Dakhlet Nouadhibou)
  • Axis D : 700km : Nouakchott, Akjoujt (Inchiri), Atar (Adrar), Zouérate (Tiris Zemmour)
  • Axis E : 200 km : Nouakchott, Rosso (Trarza)

II. Senegal

  • Axis: Rosso, Saint-Louis, Podor, Matam, Bakel

III. Mali

  • Axis: Kayes, Gao, Mopti, Tombouctou







Pictures of the first citizens' caravan in Mauritania

Selection of images of the 1st caravan organized towards Aioun in Mauritania in February 2009