Asambleas Ciudadanos


 the Citizens' Assembly in Asia

   » Media



Images of the Bangalore Assembly in August 2010

Gustavo Marin, John Anugraha, Benru Martinez | Translations :English

Compilation of about 200 pictures from the Asian Citizens’ Assembly which took place in August 2010 in Bangalore, India. The images were taken by Gustavo Marín, Benru Martinez, John Anugraha and Global Citizens for Sustainable Development (and displayed on Facebook) + access to media


Pictures of the 4th International Student’s Peace Festival

John Anugraha | Translations :English

The Asian Citizens’ Assembly actively took part in the International Peace Festival organized in Chandigarh, India, from September 27 to October 1, 2009. This gathered over 1000 young people from various Indian states and from Pakistan, around a series of activities and manifestations, focused on promoting disarmament and peace. Characters such as Dr. Subba Rao, also known as living Ghandi, were also present - pictures of the event + access to media


From forums to a Citizens assembly in Asia

John Anugraha, Vincent Liuhong | Translations :Español . français . English

The citizens’ assembly in Asia is based on a group of forums which lead to an intercultural meeting between young people from China, India and Japan. These forums are broadening and including other countries from this region as well as other participants. Vincent Liuhong and John Anugraha talk about the methodologies of these forums, the stages covered and the prospects for 2010 + access to media


Building a common imaginary

Ben Quinones | Translations :English . Español . français

The First Meeting of Coordinators of Citizens’ Assemblies in Paris in June 2008 establishes the challenge to unite visions and experiences from very different contexts. Ben Quinones highlights the need to construct a shared collective imagination in order to connect and coordinate the initiatives in the future + access to media


From Forums to Ass- emblies

The Asian team created a new webpage dedicated to the Asian Assembly, have a look !