Taking part in a citizens’ assembly implies adhering to the assemblies’ vision and aims, getting involved in the conversations, in the pooling of ideas and thoughts in common, or helping with its organization. There is no monetary fee. Nor is there an obligation to take part continuously in the activities – a participant may be very involved in an assembly at a certain point in history, and then pull away and pull back in again. However, there should be no totally passive participants who benefit from other people’s work without making any sort of contribution.
How can someone become part of a citizens’ assembly ?
In order to become a participant in a citizens’ assembly, contact with the network and the local team in charge of coordinating should be made. The different forms of participation are as follow: 1. sharing documents to feed thematic reflections 2. taking part in discussion forums, elaborating a joint text or article 3. contributing with your viewpoint on the assemblies, giving your testimony 4. being involved in workshops and meetings 5. looking for partners, proposing associations with other participants 6. contributing in the search for financing, actively taking part in meetings
In all these cases, new participants are committed to abide by the aims and forms of work established by each assembly.
Comments and suggestions are welcome !
If you would like to make a suggestion about your own reception of the assemblies, to make a proposal, a comment, or critique, or simply send a word of encouragement, we are open to it. Write to us. Our collective email address is : web@forums.citizens-assemblies.net