Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Mediterranean Citizens' Assembly



Solidarity with the People of Tunisia and Egypt

Translations : français . Español . English

The Coordination and the Advisory Council of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly (MCA), the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly (mca) expresses its solidarity with the peoples of Tunisia and Egypt in their fight for freedom, democracy and social justice.

The brother peoples of Tunisia and Egypt, its citizens, have opened a new page full of hope in their history and that of all the Mediterranean peoples. With courage, dignity and peacefully, they created the conditions necessary to force Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak to relinquish power.

The MCA expresses its deepest admiration to the peoples of Tunisia and Egypt, which, by their struggle and sacrifice, have opened a new path for the revival of citizenship. The rebirth of the dream, confiscated for decades, a society more human and fair, governed by the rules of law universally established: popular sovereignty in the elected representatives and leaders, separation of powers, equality before the law, the equitable redistribution of wealth, eradication of corruption, guarantee of individual and collective freedoms, including freedom of opinion, organization, belief and movement.

A strong wave of citizenship swept the Mediterranean and will affect the north and south of the region. Arbitrary rule, corruption, nepotism, lack of rights and injustice has been denounced by the Tunisian and Egyptian peoples. These methods of government are now expelled from the region forever. People went into action and the citizens of the North, South, East and West Mediterranean must be at the heart of the righteous struggles that cross Mediterranean countries on both shores. Struggles, in the near future, may change the geopolitical framework of the Mediterranean, and will force the European Union and other international bodies to review their policies in the region.

In this context, the MCA reaffirms its commitment towards building a sustainable space of peace and justice, development, solidarity and shared prosperity among the peoples of the Mediterranean Sea. For this, the association proposes to make, if appealed to his ability, to support the emergence of new governance models that promote economic and political integration within the regional framework, enabling people to advance in their development by surpassing mutual fears. Giving a human sense to a political, cultural, economic and environmental community of the Mediterranean peoples is clearly expressed today, by participating in the dialogue between societies.

The Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly (MCA) reiterated its humanist and progressive belief of a historical development of the Mediterranean peoples and the entire planet. It affirms its commitment to a vision based on democratic values of freedom, solidarity, peace, respect for cultural diversity and environmental responsibility that affect self-dignity to which all citizens aspire.


