Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Mediterranean Citizens' Assembly

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Second Mediterranean Assembly Meeting in Tunis, December 1 to 4, 2011

Mediterranean Citizens Assembly | Translations : français . English

The citizen dynamics, which will necessarily maintain itself over time, underline once more the community of destiny that unites the citizens of the North, the South and the East of the Mediterranean. Through their diversity, they are reviving the real and promising meanings of democracy and citizenship. + read more


Solidarity with the People of Tunisia and Egypt

Coordination de l’Assemblée Méditerranéenne | Translations : français . Español . English

The Coordination and the Advisory Council of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly (MCA), the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly (mca) expresses its solidarity with the peoples of Tunisia and Egypt in their fight for freedom, democracy and social justice + read more


We must recover the voice of citizens

Regina Laguna | Translations : Español . English . français

The First Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly was held in Valencia, Spain, on July 2 - 4 2010. this Assembly stressed the will to create a space for Mediterranean conversation based on the civil society and on the support of the institutions. “Both banks need to understand that an ignorance clash is the heaviest burden we can possible bear,” highlighted Counter-admiral Jean-François Coustillière (brief summary of the meeting published on the Acimedit website) + read more


First Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly in Valencia

Sergi Escribano | Translations : English . français . Español

The first Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly was celebrated in Valencia (Spain) between July 2 and 4, 2010, around the following motto: “Citizens’ dialogs: institutions and citizenship in the Mediterranean”. Economists, jurists, philosophers, political representatives, feminists, university students, businessmen, and representatives of public institutions from eighteen Mediterranean countries got together around four thematic issues: 1. Thinking the Mediterranean space, 2. Mediterranean citizenship, 3. Building a lasting space for peace, and 4. Current and future challenges in the Mediterranean + read more


Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly : towards a Mediterranean community of the people

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . English . Español

The Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly has just provided itself with a foundation text describing the initiative. This version of the text was amended in two meetings of the initiative’s committee which took place in November, 2008 in Valencia and February, 2009 in Rome. The members of this assembly come from Algeria, Tunisia, Albania, France, Spain, the Lebanon, Italy, Greece, Morocco and Turkey + read more


First meeting of the Initiative Committee of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assemblies – October 6, 2008

Francois Soulard | Translations : English . français . Español

On October 6, 2008 a small team of associates met in Valencia, Spain, so as to move forward on the concept of Mediterranean Citizens’ Assemblies. The main issue on the agenda was the exploration of the different modes for launching a new dialog space between Mediterranean societies, irrespective of the social forums and the dialog platforms between Mediterranean civil societies + read more


Key ideas and methodological axes of the Mediterranean Citizens Assembly

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

The coordinators meeting on Paris in June 2008 made possible to give a progress report on each assembly and to draw strategic axes to continue the way. This article gives a rapid look at the key ideas and directions to be followed for the Mediterranean Assembly, in particular the creation of an initiative group and the need to go beyond the processes of dialogue such as Euromed for example + read more