Asambleas Ciudadanos


Tools and methods

   » Conception of a meeting and promotion of collective reflections


Program for the Coordinators’ meeting on May 11-12 in Paris

Francois Soulard, Gustavo Marin | Translations : français . English . Español

Only two years have gone by since our founding meeting in June 2008, but the world has continued changing … and how much! The financial and economic crisis broke out right after the meeting in June 2008; thus, the idea of Citizens’ Assemblies becomes more pertinent. The assembly’s coordinators’ meeting next May 11 and 12 in Paris will be imprinted by four moments: rediscovery, up-date, balance of current preparations and perspectives beyond 2010 + read more


Cartographic representation of the debates

Francois Soulard, Coordination Team of the Malian Assembly | Translations : français . English . Español

There are many of us working on the scheming of ideas that arise from debates, to articulate them or summarize them. Fewer of us provide a systematic and methodological dimension to the cartography of ideas and concepts. Mali’s Citizens’ Assembly shares, through this document, a concrete application of this methodology to three debate processes, thanks to the technical support of the Desmodo tool + read more


Seminar methodology of the Forum for a new World Governance

Francois Soulard | Translations : Español . français . English

How can we make it easier to express our opinions at a meeting and move together towards proposals ? Several kinds of efforts are necessary, then: organizing the meeting, favoring horizontal exchanges between participants, keeping record of the debates, building a global vision of the ideas. This is the approach used when organizing the Forum’s regional seminars for a new world governance + read more