Asambleas Ciudadanos


Tools and methods

   » Citizens' methodologies and strategies for change


Guidelines for the animation of the workshops of the third biennial meeting of the China-Europa Forum 2009 – 2010

Pierre Calame | Translations : English . Español . français

The construction of links between unity and diversity, the round trip between experience and reflection, between what is general and what is specific, is the new fundamental key to citizenship and dialog between societies. Naturally, these links are present in the organization of the China-Europe forum and in the coordination principles of its workshops, and they can feed in turn the Citizens’ Assemblies’ proceedings + read more


Citizenship and strategy for change

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

Citizenship and democracy imply the association of all the members of a community working towards the construction of a future and a change in strategies. So how can we conceive these strategies for change and get the tools to tackle them? This document provides clues in the light of complex thought, collective intelligence and the Alliance for a plural, responsible and supportive world + read more