Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Citizens' Assembly in the Southern Cone

   » Documents


Towards the 2010 Citizens assemblies in the Southern Cone : historical milestones of a journey

Gustavo Marin | Translations : français . English . Español

Transcription of the interview to Gustavo Marin in Antofagasta in April, 2007. Retrospectives on international action leading to citizens’ assemblies : the Alliance for a responsible, plural and united world, the World Citizens’ Assembly, the search for new regulations to overcome current systems’ limitations. The text was published in the Chilean edition of Monde Diplomatique – April, 2008 + read more


Regional Citizens’ Assembly : building citizenships in the south

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

New ethical, plural and supportive frames have become necessary in all parts of the planet. This need turns, in the Latin American Southern Cone, into a melting pot of struggles, ideas and voices which rise in order to draw a new regional horizon, in order for humanity to see a new day. This is expressed by the Citizens’ Assembly. Article published in March, 2008 in the Chilean edition of Monde Diplomatique + read more



the Southern Cone Assembly ont the web

Visit the webpage of the Assembly : and the different blogs linked to its initiatives : the General Blog of the Argentinan team in Córdoba, the Blog of the revue Pensamiento Propio, the blog de la Regional Integration Chair.

Pictures of the 2009 women's meetings

Have a look at the pictures of the women’s meetings held in September and November 2009