Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Citizens' Assembly in the Southern Cone

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The Assembly at Iquique successfully finished its first citizen construction initiative

Francois Soulard, Gustavo Marin | Translations : Español . français . English

The First Citizens’ Assembly of the Southern Cone has just come to an end, after three days of uninterrupted exchanges, parties, citizens’ caravans and artistic expressions. Finally, we can say that the Assembly managed to achieve its first mobilization and debate initiative with the presence of a very diverse group of actors from the Southern Cone and more. Participants expressed a global satisfaction with the general atmosphere and the intensity of the exchanges + read more


Methodological school for the Iquique Assembly of November 2010

Ricardo Jimenez | Translations : Español . français . English

About 12 participants from the Assembly of the Southern Cone got together in Santiago de Chile on September 4 and 5 to build a vision and a methodological response to the challenges set by the Assembly at Iquique which will take place next November. The idea is to be able to put together a team which will carry popular methodologies that may lead to the appreciation of the diversity of ideas, expressions and identities in the Southern Cone, simultaneously revealing emerging ideas and group perspectives + read more


Getting ready the Southern Cone Assembly to Iquique

Coordination Team of the Southern Cone Assembly | Translations : Español . français . English

The general coordination team got together on May 29, 2010 in Santiago, to define the program, ethics, criteria and organization methods of the assembly to be held in the emblematic city of Iquique, in the north of Chile. The 250-participant trip is imagined aboard four buses advancing toward this Chilean city from each of the four Southern Cone countries, in the form of travelling caravans. This document debates the proposal and launches the meeting’s essential preparation process + read more


Southern Cone Women's meeting

Ulrike Meissner | Translations : Español . français . English

Approximately twenty representatives from Southern Cone countries discovered themselves, rediscovered one another and warmly intertwined on June 19 – 20 in La Plata, Argentina. The meeting is here to conclude a series of national processes carried out during 2009, to establish new perspectives and to present the Iquique assembly in November, 2010. Apart from a work meeting, this was a moment of rediscovery in which food, dancing, nights and profound dialogs were shared + read more


II Popular Ecology Meeting

Carlos Rivera | Translations : Español . English . français

This took place last 26 and 27 March in Santiago de Chile, with artists and members of environmental or solidarity economy networks, neighbourhood groups, cooperatives, cultural centres and NGOs. Four dialog groups were formed and concluded on a series of original proposals / orientations which range from transformations of ethical and cultural fields to changes in the collective action ways + read more


Women from Dark America : the challenge to organize

Carlos Rivera | Translations : français . Español . English

“Speaking from the woman” : this phrase acquired its full meaning dimension in the voice of hundreds of women from all around the country, who got together in Santiago - Chile, on November 12 and 13, 2009, during the First National Meeting of the Women from Dark America network. "Some might only want to change little details, but others may want a whole life change” + read more


Plural Feminine Dialog Cycle with 4 women’s meetings

Francois Soulard | Translations : English . Español . français

Four meetings between women from the Southern Cone region will take place in November 2009 in Argentina, Bolivia, Perou and Chile. They will be held in Córdoba and La Plata (Argentina) on November 7, in Cochabamba (Bolivia) on November 20 - 21, in Lima on 19 and in Santiago (Chile) on November 12 - 13. Locally organized by the Assembly teams, this cycle of meetings will end up in a Regional Women’s Conference of Southern Cone, planned for 2010 + read more


Program and methodology of the first Southern Cone Citizens' Assembly

Coordination Team of the Southern Cone Assembly | Translations : Español . français . English

Four countries and 300 participants coming by bus to Iquique, Chile, approximately 15 socio-professional areas represented getting together around various debates and thematic groups in order to draft a Charter of Citizens’ Responsibilities for the Southern Cone, then going close to the sea, to perform aboriginal celebrations and to pay homage to the history of Pisagua… We now have the first draft of the Southern Cone’s Assembly for November 2010 ! + read more


2009 Recapitulation and Perspectives

Coordination Team of the Southern Cone Assembly | Translations : English . Español . français

It is not easy to take stock of the Southern Cone Assembly since this is clearly a process in motion, an evolving dynamics. Thus, the retrospective is very important, as it clears out the travelled road and the objective aimed at. What defines this Assembly? Who make it up and give life to it? Which activities were carried out in 2009? Here is a panoramic balance as well as a joint and pedagogic vision of the initiative + read more


Plan and activities 2009 – 2010

Coordination Team of the Southern Cone Assembly | Translations : français . Español . English

After Carlos Liberona’s leaving, the Assembly’s coordination team takes stock of its internal organization, of the shared responsibilities between the coordinators, of the methodological effort to be made in order to develop the activities in 2009-2010 and of the Iquique Assembly itself. A necessary step to start over and get ready seriously with the 2010 meetings + read more


Military, Civilians and Latin American Integration

Andrés Monares | Translations : English . français . Español

"Taking part in the Military, Democracy and Latin American seminar that gathered retired and active Military men from various countries of the Southern Cone was such a great surprise! It was so good to find such democratic and integrationist Military men!” Andrés Monares points out, as he shares here some of his impressions and thoughts after the seminar which took place in Chile + read more


Second «Water and geopolitics» Seminar in the Southern Cone

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

The second “Water and geopolitics” seminar took place on June 5-6, 2009 in Córdoba, Argentina. It was based on the speeches made by a dozen of experts in issues connected with water management and environmental impact. The debates stated that the economic logics of the market, together with the permeable governance mechanisms which do not set a limit on foreign pressures, may and already do lead to a dead end + read more


Tribute to Carlos Liberona : when the revolutionary struggle is the simplest way to do as you say

Ricardo Jimenez | Translations : français . Español . English

Carlos Liberona, member of the Revolutionary Leftist Movement - MIR – from Chile since its very beginnings, passed away on June, 11 2009. Before becoming a member of MIR, he had been a popular and revolutionary activist, which he continued to be until his physical disappearance. And we still continue... of course we continue + read more


2009 Harvest of the South American Regional Integration Chair

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . English . Español

The chair is a Southern Cone Assembly initiative. It is an informal education space supported by universities and cheered by a team of sociologists, political scientists, economists and political figures of the region. It places academic knowledge on the issue of regional integration at students and social leaders’ disposals. About sixty students have finished classes in May, in Lima, Peru ! + read more


Seminar Armed Forces, democracy and integration in South America

Francois Soulard | Translations : Español . français . English

The seminar took place on April 3 and 4, 2009 in Santiago de Chile. A dozen military officers from the region got together around five round tables and a plenary session and a strong balance was stricken: the affirmation to renew the social contract between the armed body and the democracies, the absolute need for regional integration so that the countries in the Southern Cone may insert themselves and take part in the creation of a sustainable global community + read more


Ripening and new challenges of the Southern Cone Assembly

Francois Soulard | Translations : Español . English . français

After a two years coordination of the Southern Cone Assembly, Carlos Liberona and Ricardo Jiménez describe the assembly’s ripening and its new challenges. They also describe two emergent axes of the process : governance and courses towards integration. Video interviews carried out in Iquique - Chile in December 2008 + read more


Announcement 2010 for the first Regional Citizens Assembly in the South Cone

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

“We, the citizens of Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Chile, tenaciously maintain our resistance, responsibility and solidarity, and we call for all the citizens of the Southern Cone to our first “Regional Citizens’ Assembly in Iquique, Chile, in 2010 (...) We have also joined the other processes of Citizens’ Assemblies which will take place in 2010 as well, in Sahel-Sahara, in the Mediterranean, in India (for the Asian group) and in Samoa (for the peoples from Oceania) + read more


Key ideas and methodological axes of the Southern Cone Citizens Assembly

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

The coordinators meeting on Paris in June 2008 made possible to give a progress report on each assembly and to draw strategic axes to continue the path. This article gives a rapid look at the key ideas and directions to be followed for the Southern Cone Assembly. Among these are to build citizenship in a context of import citizenship’s lack, to gather different society’s sectors and to articulate initiatives + read more



the Southern Cone Assembly ont the web

Visit the webpage of the Assembly : and the different blogs linked to its initiatives : the General Blog of the Argentinan team in Córdoba, the Blog of the revue Pensamiento Propio, the blog de la Regional Integration Chair.

Pictures of the 2009 women's meetings

Have a look at the pictures of the women’s meetings held in September and November 2009