the Citizens' Assembly in Mali
» Documents
This stage report picks up again on the key issues from Mali’s Assembly’s and provides a first panorama of the viewpoints from those Mali’s citizens who have been mobilized during this first cycle of dialogs. It is based on the methodological bet made by its organization team: an approach to the diversity, values, challenges, proposals, strategies and commitments expressed by the participants + read more
The methodological test of the first phase of the Mali Citizens’ Assembly process was carried out in the regions of Sikasso and Ségou. About 400 delegates representing traditional and religious authorities, administrative authorities, associations and socio-professional organizations which respond to municipal and circle administrative organizations and geo-cultural logics, all took part in communal and circle assemblies + read more
“The institutional reforms which began in the early 90s in Mali, like in other African countries, are far from being a real start of true development or from responding to the needs of the people. The construction of a collective vision of the future of our country is a new paradigm in which Mali’s Citizens’ Assembly fully takes part”. Methodology and implementation of the Mali’s Assembly + read more
Mali’s Citizens’ Assembly is getting ready. It wishes to continue with the institutional transformations initiated in 1991 in Mali and to place citizens in the center of this process of change. It will try to create, from various socio-professional means and from a municipal to a national scale, a shared vision of the crisis which is blocking the changes and the exit perspectives. Detailed presentation of the initiative + read more
1st stage of the Malian Assembly
